"chancing upon this blog must be the most wonderful thing that has happened to you"
I get annoyed after a while, with those people who are trying to be individualists. Having to hit the back button because people have modified their blogspot page to delete the "next blog" button or added some equally annoying fade in or pop up or music makes me so crazy because they are thwarting my quest. I just have to quit before I toss my precious computer across the room.
The title of this blog is actually from one of those irritating people; but it kind of speaks to the reason why I keep searching--yeah, it would be killer to find that the next blog is the cyclist, but I think that what also keeps me pushing that little bar like a lab rat thinking that maybe this time will be the one where I get that hit is equally related to the random things that you might find on someone's blog--a picture of grandparents, a "guess what this British word means" segment, a vegan mom with a lot of time on her hands...
Who knows, you you might chance upon something wonderful.
Then again, it could also have to do with love, blood and vomit.
Like Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans or Forrest's box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.