Saturday, February 25, 2006

"It's just that they're terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future"

So, since I've basically already written this one, I'm not as excited about again putting it all on paper, so to speak. I'm going to keep it simple and not as witty and long as it was in it's original form (ha! that will be more funny if you keep reading).

So, I went with some female friends to a "male review" show about a month ago. In my first draft, there was a whole bit on the differences between women watching men dancers and men watching women dancers.

But, chop chop, times a wastin'! On to the meat of the matter (ha! again :)

It seems to me that women watching male dancers are freakin' insane. They scream, they yell, they hoot, they drool, they.... giggle.

At least I did.

Especially when, besides the typical costumes like wild west outlaws in long trench coats, the obligatory black leather chaps, the firefighters etc., the most popular "unmentionables" covering that night was not the bikini g-string that I saw over 5 years ago at my last bachelorette party "review".

Things have progressed to what I call, in the most descriptive sense, a "cock sock".

In satin, leather or any other material, it's just plain silly--kind of like those tassels for nipples.

Maybe cock socks are fun for some, like Mrs. Mingle says, but I just find it funny.

I was "very put out"

I had an infuriating experience last Monday.

After trying to be a good little blogger and updating before my children (still just an eye twinkle) can read, I spent at least an hour being witty to only hit the wrong button somehow on my lap top.


A new page suddenly appeared and all the "Ctrl Z" and "Back" "BACK" BACK!!!" buttons wouldn't let me recover my mistake, magically going back to my blood, sweat and tears of blogdom.

Let me just say I felt a bit chagrined as I have previously scoffed (sometimes under my breath, sometimes overtly) my mother and father for complaining about lap tops and doing the exact same thing. I thought it was because they were ... ahem... not of the "computer generation" (read "old") but, now it looks like I, too, have been bitch slapped by the technology age.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

"And I thought, there are four of us..."

Four jobs I've had
1. Family Day Care Child Care Assistant(ah, the first high school job).
2. "Child Development Professional" I know, I know what a mouthful--"specialist" was a title that the county had already claimed so I got to be intimidating like the French assassin who saves little Natalie Portman (no children were injured in the writing of this blog).
3. Baby sitter extraordinaire.
4. Home visitation consultant.

Four movies I can watch over and over.
Ok, given my blog title, Princess Bride is a default choice, as is Strictly Ballroom which I defend is not just like Dirty Dancing like a friend just tried to tell me...but if I go on like this I will just have a default list and no real one...
1. Shawshank Redemption (and I have plany of opportunities as TBS and TNT make sure it's always showing at any given time).
2. It's a Wonderful Life
3. Bend It Like Beckham
4. Empire Strikes Back I used to think this was my least favorite of the pre-prequel sagas, but what with Yoda, and the big daddy revelation and Han's famous imporvised line at the end....

Four places I have lived:
1. Waikiki.
2. Sycamore Lane Garden Apartments ("we have mature landscaping"--old folks think it's the bomb or so I thought) , Davis, CA.
3. Midtown Sacramento, CA
4. Calistoga, CA.

Four T.V. shows I love:
let's go with the shows I've been obsessing about through the wondrous DVD technology since we don't get any reception for current programing.
1. Scrubs
2. Firefly--space, no weird aliens, from the dude who brought us Buffy and Angel, folks sayin' things like they've got "a powerful need to", well, whatever...
3. Freaks and Geeks
4. 1st season of 24, and now I'm beginning the 2nd season...

Four places I have vacationed:
1. Virginia Beach, Virginina
2. Kauai
3. Salt Point, CA (good camping if you can put up with the blue jay alarm clock set for 4:30am--no snooze button on those things)
4. Tahoe City (the modest "cabin" on the lake complete with marble, rec room and more good friends than you can shake a sick at)

Four of my favorite dishes:
This is just too hard, and my likes change from time to time...but, for now...
1. Ice cream--hey, it comes in a dish sometimes... but not the cheap gummy kind--Breyers is more my style.
2. Shepherd's pie.
3. Pizza. To paraphrase Stephen Baldwin "Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good."
4. Seared Ahi with garlic butter sauce on a bed of fresh spinach from my favorite local restaurant, Irifune.

Four sites I visit daily:'s just all of you all and I forget how to properly tag, so I'm just going to list them.
1. All my friends' sites (which I know is cheating since there are more than four just in this one): Yay toast, the mad cyclist, mingle's reflections, bonjour de la suisse, ocean maitreya...
2. MSN--to access my hotmail :)
3. The animal rescue site to click and feed an animal .6 bowls of food.
4. google

Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. playing scrabble/dominoes/reading with the family while the kitchen stove strives to put out more heat than the sun
2. visiting my friend in Tempe, Arizona.
3. Watching the sunrise on a Mexican Beach with the sactown kid...(it's a college procrastination thing)
4. Involved in some steamy lover's tryst with the man of my dreams.

Four people I am tagging: see my above comment on my laziness--I've been writing this for a week, so if you want it posted today, I'm just going to practice imperfection.