a new post and a new look already! (after being very put out...again)

This is it...
Ok, so I actually have tried to publish an entry before this one (as I was writing, especaily the title, I was having some deja vu and realized I've had some blogging setbacks before , except this time I was bitten by the "now you're connected to the server, now you're not" bug). A couple of weeks ago, I spent much time uploading pics, rearranging them and making captions to fit in a flowing circular manner to tie things in fromt the top to the bottom, all to lose it all once I clicked pucblish since the internet connnection chose that precise moment to fail. Now I can't recall all the subtlties I used which bridged blogging with hiking. Since it was erased, I can confidently say that indeed it was a masterpiece.
Now I'm frantically typing to get this done; flowing sections, multiple pics and clever references exit stage left.
At least it's something new, if not involved and up to the writing par of Mr. Abbey, my high school English teacher who wouldn't let us hobble on by with cliche's, contractions, waffling, or wimpy and weak paragraph transitions.
I'd like to say that I will be a more prolific poster, but I know that especially with 4 weeks of all-day classes coming up, I might be AWOL again.
Then again, blogging may be just the procrastination vehicle I choose when I really should be writing a paper... I'll keep you posted.