Thursday, June 14, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
Like the sea after a storm...
Hey, look at me!
2 posts in 2 days! Don't everyone pass out in shock.
Just trying to get into the swing of this again, posting frequently even if there's nothing big to report (I think I was trying to avoid posting on stupid stuff like what I had for breakfast, but I realized that waiting to post for something monumental only means you don't get posts from me for 6 months--I'm only hurting myself).
So, it's been a mostly rainy day here--different from the usual rain in that the whole sky is grey. Days like this make me homesick for cold rain, warm scarves, hot chocolate and old family and friends. love you all.
I had coffee, pineapple, and a biscotti this morning.
2 posts in 2 days! Don't everyone pass out in shock.
Just trying to get into the swing of this again, posting frequently even if there's nothing big to report (I think I was trying to avoid posting on stupid stuff like what I had for breakfast, but I realized that waiting to post for something monumental only means you don't get posts from me for 6 months--I'm only hurting myself).
So, it's been a mostly rainy day here--different from the usual rain in that the whole sky is grey. Days like this make me homesick for cold rain, warm scarves, hot chocolate and old family and friends. love you all.
I had coffee, pineapple, and a biscotti this morning.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
She was only mostly least to the blogging world
Hey there, loyal peeps!
I know, I know...I'm not even going to try to make an excuse about why I haven't been blogging... but if you must know, I've been touring Europe with my band. We're extremely popular in Poland.
Now that I'm back from adoring fans, it's all about work (we're trying for another national accreditation and will have our validation visit at the end of June), school (my 2nd summer of grad classes start in 2 weeks and I've lots of reading and assignments to do before then), dating (trying to keep my mojo and enthusiasm up after several intensive months doing eHarmony--terribly un-pc of me considering the lawsuit against them), and procrastination (it's a full time job).
I went to my first "Baby's 1st" birthday party this weekend--it's a big thing here to have a major celebration for the kid, so it was interesting to go to one...lots of buffet food, lots of balloons, just a little meltdown from the kid at the 3 hour mark of the party...I was right there with you, kid.
And then it was off to a beautiful marriage celebration at the most amazing location. It was at a sea plane base which was itself basically a houseboat with a large dock. Yep, I almost wished I brought my Dramamine, especially when a speed boat motored by doing at least 50mph (don't know how many knots, you nautical experts) less than 100 feet from the dock, but I did surprisingly well.'s nice to be back and sharing with all of you.
I know, I know...I'm not even going to try to make an excuse about why I haven't been blogging... but if you must know, I've been touring Europe with my band. We're extremely popular in Poland.
Now that I'm back from adoring fans, it's all about work (we're trying for another national accreditation and will have our validation visit at the end of June), school (my 2nd summer of grad classes start in 2 weeks and I've lots of reading and assignments to do before then), dating (trying to keep my mojo and enthusiasm up after several intensive months doing eHarmony--terribly un-pc of me considering the lawsuit against them), and procrastination (it's a full time job).
I went to my first "Baby's 1st" birthday party this weekend--it's a big thing here to have a major celebration for the kid, so it was interesting to go to one...lots of buffet food, lots of balloons, just a little meltdown from the kid at the 3 hour mark of the party...I was right there with you, kid.
And then it was off to a beautiful marriage celebration at the most amazing location. It was at a sea plane base which was itself basically a houseboat with a large dock. Yep, I almost wished I brought my Dramamine, especially when a speed boat motored by doing at least 50mph (don't know how many knots, you nautical experts) less than 100 feet from the dock, but I did surprisingly well.'s nice to be back and sharing with all of you.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Signs that you've been a bad blogger...
1. You can't quite remeber your user name and password to sign in.
2. People have moved past sending messages urging you to blog and just direct evil mojo your way.
3. You can't come up with more than 2 signs you've been a bad blogger.
Anyway, this has been an eventful fall--
lot's of work drama, lot's of concerts with famous folks in attendance (saw Kid Rock sans Pam at one; yet another spotting of Lost's Hurley at another, and of course there was blogger VIP, Sactownkid in the house for the Pearl Jam/U2 music fest-o-rama....), lots of A's in my graduate courses (seriously, folks, while I am gleefully proud, this Missy is never significantly punished for procrastinating, and so never quite learns her lesson to be as organized and pre-planned out as Mingle or as fabulously up to date in posting pics and chronicalling adventures in far off lands as Suisse Miss).
Well, it is sure to be a kick-ass Winter as it will start off with a visit back to Cali to frolic with you all and meet new additions to the posse (I think it's time to dig up a certain time capsul of our predictions of "firsts"--marraiges, babies, inprisonment...can't wait to see which one of us should be advertising themselves as the next Nostradamus).
In the meantime, here's to:
Starting now, and for always.
2. People have moved past sending messages urging you to blog and just direct evil mojo your way.
3. You can't come up with more than 2 signs you've been a bad blogger.
Anyway, this has been an eventful fall--
lot's of work drama, lot's of concerts with famous folks in attendance (saw Kid Rock sans Pam at one; yet another spotting of Lost's Hurley at another, and of course there was blogger VIP, Sactownkid in the house for the Pearl Jam/U2 music fest-o-rama....), lots of A's in my graduate courses (seriously, folks, while I am gleefully proud, this Missy is never significantly punished for procrastinating, and so never quite learns her lesson to be as organized and pre-planned out as Mingle or as fabulously up to date in posting pics and chronicalling adventures in far off lands as Suisse Miss).
Well, it is sure to be a kick-ass Winter as it will start off with a visit back to Cali to frolic with you all and meet new additions to the posse (I think it's time to dig up a certain time capsul of our predictions of "firsts"--marraiges, babies, inprisonment...can't wait to see which one of us should be advertising themselves as the next Nostradamus).
In the meantime, here's to:
Starting now, and for always.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Shaken, Not Stirred
Would you like some Wheat Thins to go along with that cheesy title?
All is fine cracked walls, no fried electrical equipment (pure luck since I did forget to unplug things), no broken glassware ( I can do that just fine myself when I get up in the middle of the night for a drink of water and don't turn on the light to see the wine glass I left in front of the Brita pitcher). Just a good reason to get that Emergency kit started (but tell my aunt the emergency services coordinator that I had my 3 days of food and water, matches, flashlight, cash, important documents, propane burner, can opener, blankets, radio, batteries, bleach etc all ready, ok?).
About the most frustrating thing about the whole day was the drivers who whizzed on through signaled intersections--my usual irate driving mantra changed from "It's like a zipper, people!" (you know, when merging onto the freeway it's one car from the right lane, one car from the on-ramp, right lane, on-ramp, right, ramp--like a zipper) to "It's like a 4-way stop, people!"
But, having been lucky enough to have to never had any personal tragedies associated with earthquakes, I mostly just thought the whole day was cool--a little roller coaster action in the morning, being forced to procrastinate (I know, it was terrible for me) on a paper due that day by email, putting off doing the dishes because I was doing my civic duty of conserving water, friendly chats with strangers, neighbors being neighborly... It brought back those cozy feelings associated with blackouts as a child--candlelit games of go fish, flashlights and an excuse to eat all of the ice cream in the freezer...good times, people, good times.
Even if they are a little more bouncy than normal.
All is fine cracked walls, no fried electrical equipment (pure luck since I did forget to unplug things), no broken glassware ( I can do that just fine myself when I get up in the middle of the night for a drink of water and don't turn on the light to see the wine glass I left in front of the Brita pitcher). Just a good reason to get that Emergency kit started (but tell my aunt the emergency services coordinator that I had my 3 days of food and water, matches, flashlight, cash, important documents, propane burner, can opener, blankets, radio, batteries, bleach etc all ready, ok?).
About the most frustrating thing about the whole day was the drivers who whizzed on through signaled intersections--my usual irate driving mantra changed from "It's like a zipper, people!" (you know, when merging onto the freeway it's one car from the right lane, one car from the on-ramp, right lane, on-ramp, right, ramp--like a zipper) to "It's like a 4-way stop, people!"
But, having been lucky enough to have to never had any personal tragedies associated with earthquakes, I mostly just thought the whole day was cool--a little roller coaster action in the morning, being forced to procrastinate (I know, it was terrible for me) on a paper due that day by email, putting off doing the dishes because I was doing my civic duty of conserving water, friendly chats with strangers, neighbors being neighborly... It brought back those cozy feelings associated with blackouts as a child--candlelit games of go fish, flashlights and an excuse to eat all of the ice cream in the freezer...good times, people, good times.
Even if they are a little more bouncy than normal.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
or you all will think I've dropped off the face of the earth (or fallen into a volcano, or eaten by a shark...) well you get the picture..
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Procrastination Junction, what's your function?
What's a girl to do when she has 5 asssignments due tomorrow and none are completed yet?
Post on the blog, duh! (Procrastination Junction Number 1).
Anway, just a note to let you know that while I haven't been commenting on all of your posts, I have been reading (Procrastination Junction Number 2).
I've also been searching for a new place to live--no tragedies, just a roommate switch up with a girlfriend moving in and more space needed. So that has taken up some time (Procrastination Junction Number 3).
And I did find a place--more info on address changes in a mass email to come (Procrastination Junction Number 4).
I'm no longer going to be in Manoa Valley, though, so I've been contemplating how this will impact my blog profile... my new address will be on Sierra Drive in Kaimuki overlooking Diamond Head, so do I stay with Manoa Missy? should I be Sierra Senorita? Kaimuki Kid? Diamond Head Diva? Does it matter? (Procrastination Junction Number 5).
Well, enough--this miss is leaving the station.
P.S. Thanks for the theme, Schoolhouse Rock.
Post on the blog, duh! (Procrastination Junction Number 1).
Anway, just a note to let you know that while I haven't been commenting on all of your posts, I have been reading (Procrastination Junction Number 2).
I've also been searching for a new place to live--no tragedies, just a roommate switch up with a girlfriend moving in and more space needed. So that has taken up some time (Procrastination Junction Number 3).
And I did find a place--more info on address changes in a mass email to come (Procrastination Junction Number 4).
I'm no longer going to be in Manoa Valley, though, so I've been contemplating how this will impact my blog profile... my new address will be on Sierra Drive in Kaimuki overlooking Diamond Head, so do I stay with Manoa Missy? should I be Sierra Senorita? Kaimuki Kid? Diamond Head Diva? Does it matter? (Procrastination Junction Number 5).
Well, enough--this miss is leaving the station.
P.S. Thanks for the theme, Schoolhouse Rock.