Saturday, July 16, 2005

It's nothing but work! work! work! all the time!

Yes, a lovely day began this morning with a few torrential downpours lasting all of 10 seconds (this is Manoa afterall), so I lay in bed smiling at the sound of rain, glorious with the knowledge that I didn't need to wake up to an alarm and go rushing off to start my day. However, I knew it was not going to last long as I had already decided that today was the day that I would go into my office and show those piles of papers who's boss. With no distractions except ones I could think up (hmmm, maybe I should count the money in petty cash, or get some chips and salsa, or call my friends, or smother those beach feet with some lotion, or check to see if my blog page is still there--yep, still there (I know you were worried), I felt sure that I could corral the papers in my office that have figured out how to multiply like rabbits as soon as they touch my hands--damn you, Egyptians and your papyrus, too!
So, 6 hours later, the papers that didn't get taken out back to be drowned in a weigted sack are mostly organized (I know, I know! There's a big difference between mostly organized and all organized) which means, I am sure, more Saturday's spent working. I need an assistant, but not the kinds that wear a bikini and walk around with a board telling me "10 more stacks to go", or shuffle after me, muttering "Master", or, well, you get the drift.
Now, I'm back at home, writing this and trying to decide how the rest of my day will go. One thing's for's not going to invlove piracy--that seems like more work than running preschool.


Blogger sactownkid said...

Ha! I can now post a comment. I'm sorry you have to work on Saturday, that blows! But look at your and your fancy-schmancy photos and blog entries. Very nice. Talk soon. Luv, Girl #2

10:49 AM  

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